martedì 22 novembre 2005

The power of Meditation

Many people asked me what is the relationship between a spiritual path and the healing process and in which way we can consider meditation as a therapy.

During these times of illusion and lack of knowledge of the human being’s essence, the human conscience is separated from the universal conscience, therefore, as oppose to this last one, it is subject to restrictions and experiences of duality (death and life, joy and sadness, sickness and health, etc...) and is constantly separated from the Whole, from joy and from harmony.
Since that there is no harmony between subjective and objective, between material and spiritual, between the outside and inside world, all the beings live in an eternal conflict, and from this derive tribulations, sufferings, and diseases.
It is therefore necessary to “free” the human conscience, and get rid of that veil which hides the reality; however, in order to do that we have to train our conscience and this is obtained through studying, self-discipline, and techniques of meditation. Engaging in yoga exercises, meditation, and esoteric gymnastic, leads to a complete slow down of physical and psychic tensions, it brings more equilibrium to our energies, it gives us the opportunity to see inside ourselves in order to contact those invisible forces which regulate the manifestation of the whole universe and which are the key to every single thing.
Through these forces it is possible to manage the flux of the vital energy, vibrant and real, towards any part of our body, and therefore re-establish the equilibrium, the harmony and the health condition.

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